Thursday, March 23, 2017

Comics Alternative Podcast: Brian Cremins Interview

I'm back on a very special (for me, at least) episode of The Comics Alternative! This week I join regular co-hosts Derek Royal and Andy Kunka for an interview with Brian Cremins, Harper College professor of English and author of Captain Marvel and the Art of Nostalgia (University Press of Mississippi).

Why is this episode special to me? Because Brian and I met as graduate students at the University of Connecticut more than two decades ago, and he's one of my closest friends. When I moved to the Chicago area a couple of years ago, Brian and his partner Allison Felus welcomed me to town and helped make me feel at home with their friendship and generosity (and their musical appearances!).

Plus, of course, there's Brian's book, which is thoughtful, articulate, and unexpected as academic monographs go. It's smart and engaging, and quite personal at the same time. Brian's answers in this interview will give you a very good idea of the wide-ranging ideas and topics you can expect when you read his book. And you should! 

As always, click the link above to stream the episode, or you can subscribe via iTunes or many other streaming services.

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